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Writer's pictureTim Eady

Out Of The Comfort Zone

“And Jesus sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal those who were ill.” (Luke 9:2)

I have recently begun a training course to be a guide at York Minster. There is a lot to learn - listening and watching other people at work. It can feel all rather daunting. Will I ever know enough? How will I fare when finally, I am allowed out by myself, and let loose on the public?

There comes a time in everybody’s life when we have to learn to do things on our own: our first steps, our first bike ride, first day at school… and so it goes on throughout life. You can’t help but feel both excited and a little bit apprehensive when you have to step out on your own and do things for yourself. I wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus sent them out - two by two to do their own preaching and healing. Up to now, they had been watching Jesus, who had done all the hard work: he had been the one doing the teaching and they have been the ones listening and learning. Now it’s time to put the learning into practice.

But Jesus doesn’t make it easy for them: take nothing with you - nothing for the journey - no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic, and they are to rely completely on the hospitality of those they will be seeking to preach to.

However, they are equipped with one thing that is completely beyond value. They have the power and authority of Jesus to do the work that they have been sent to do.

Sharing our faith may feel daunting. But like the twelve we too are called to go out on our own, to preach and to heal. We know that it’s important. Sharing faith is the only way to grow the church. So, three thoughts:

Faith sharing, or to give it it’s more challenging title, evangelism, is a lifestyle choice, not just an optional activity. How do we represent Jesus into our daily lives? Do we live lives that honour God, so that other people can see that God is at work? A godly lifestyle will ensure that God is visible in us and will speak through us. Ask God to give you opportunities to speak about him in your daily lives and be willing to make use of those opportunities when they come along. And be assured - God will provide them.

Take time to listen for what God is doing and be open enough to share what He has been doing in your life.

Evangelism is as much about doing as it is about talking. St Francis is credited with saying, ‘Preach the Gospel, use words if necessary.’ Of course, there comes a point when words are essential, but when it comes to faith sharing, the smallest action is worth a thousand sermons. Actions speak louder than words. If we talk about the Christian life but do not live it out then our actions will more than drown out what we say.

The smallest gesture shown in Christian love can speak more to a person than the most eloquent sermon ever preached. Faith sharing is not a complicated process of explaining the love of God to other people. It’s more about being a friend, offering a friendly hand, being there for someone when they need you.

Pray for people; watch and listen for ways in which you can show them the love of God. In Luke 9, the disciples were not only sent to preach, but to do. Look at the example of Jesus. Whenever he goes out preaching, his words are always backed up by actions.

Successful evangelism involves relationships. God is concerned about people. Jesus takes time to talk to people and to listen to them. He is interested in people. And so must we be: not for what we can get out of them, but as individuals for whom Jesus lived and died and rose again.

Live a life that honours God. Let your deeds reflect your faith. Seek to meet people in an attitude of love and friendship. Initially, sharing our faith may sound like a daunting activity, but as we set out to do it, and break it down into practical steps of Christin living, it becomes easier. And let’s never forget – God doesn’t leave us alone. Like those first disciples, He may urge us not to rely upon our own, human resources, but we too have His presence with us. We have the Holy Spirit. God is with us.

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